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SMTP is ... is not.

SMTP is...

.. a methodical, predictable stock market trading process.


.. a cautious approach that still yields high returns.


.. focused on multiple short-term gains that add up to market-beating  returns over the long term.


.. Excel based, so that the entire trading process from stock pick to trade placement is automated.


.. based on Engineering analysis of prevailing stock market conditions.


.. designed to exit the market once weakness has been identified, so that there is no trading activity when the market is in turmoil.


.. only for those investors who are not averse to risk.

SMTP is not...

.. open to unlimited losses in any trading position as it does not use shorts.  Joe Campbell, KBIO.


.. a High Frequency Trading (HFT) scheme, such as the one highlighted here.


.. a Long Term Buy & Hold process.  Warren Buffetts' Berkshire Hathaway hardly ever sells a position.


.. a Ponzi scheme, such as that run by Bernie Madoff.  Investor funds are held in a seperate account, linked to the Promotors account but never accessible to the Promotor.


.. a simple reactionary process influenced by market commentators such as Jim Cramer.


.. a tipster service.  No attempt is made at predicting mark movements or recommending any individual stock.

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